Hello everyone in this episode of the podcast I am speaking with Dr Michael Conforti from the Assisi Institute. Amongst other things we talk about making espresso, wood fired pizza ovens, some of his story, what has been ‘knocking on his door’ all these years, çalling’s, the main influences and turning points, archetypal energies, archetypal patterns, field, form and fate, spirit and matter, self-organizing systems and synchronicity.
Dr. Michael Conforti is a Jungian analyst and the Founder and Director of the Assisi Institute. He is a faculty member at the C.G. Jung Institute of Boston, the C.G. Jung Institute of New York, and for many years served as a Senior Associate faculty member in the Doctoral and Master's Programs in Clinical Psychology at Antioch New England. A pioneer in the field of matter-psyche studies, he is actively investigating the workings of archetypal fields and the relationship between Jungian psychology and the New Sciences.
Follow the link to the Assisi Institute Website
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