As a teacher I often fought with the children, begging them to write what they thought and not what I had told them, and there I saw that children have tremendous difficulty because it is the function of the school, and the tendency of the development of those years, to grow into collective consciousness. The assimilation of collective consciousness is in fact the function of the school, and therefore the originality of individual consciousness generally fades and at twenty people are a sack of collective knowledge. If you ask their opinion about anything, they just repeat what their parents or their friends say, or what they have read in the paper, and you have the greatest difficulty bringing them back to one unique conscious personal reaction.
I once had an analysand who came to Europe for a Jungian analysis while his best friend went into Freudian analysis. After a year they decided to meet again. The Freudian analysand said that he was cured and was going back to his own country; having realized all his neurotic illusions and nonsense, he was going to begin to earn his living and find a wife and marry. The other said he was not cured at all but still very mad and in a condition of great chaos, and though he saw his way a little bit more clearly there was still a great deal which had not yet been solved. The Freudian patient then said that it was strange, but that though all his devils had been driven out, unfortunately so had his angels!
A lid had been put on the mad spot, but the religious fantasy in it of perfection, the romantic fantasy, the fantasy of the Self, had also had the lid put on it, so that man will be a resigned, socially adapted animal who functions, but all his romantic dreams of truth and life and real love admittedly childish fantasies in both those young men are buried too.