Jung and the World
Jung and the World Podcast
How I stumbled across Jung with Yvonne Smith Tarnas

How I stumbled across Jung with Yvonne Smith Tarnas


In this episode of How I stumbled across Jung I am speaking with Jungian Analyst Yvonne Smith Tarnas. Amongst other things we talk about how she stumbled upon Astrology as a fourteen year old girl, then headed into the corporate world as a Designer, and then had a change of direction in the mid-life, about the same time as a copy of ‘Man and his Symbols’ fell on top of her in a bookshop. And then finding her way to Pacifica Graduate Institute and beginning her training as an analyst. We also talk about synchronicity(the subject of her Phd), therapy, Jung, Marie Louise Von Franz, Liz Greene, Hillman and Stan Grof and this time that we are living in.

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Jung and the World
Jung and the World Podcast
cultivating the soul and the sacred in a world turned upside down