Jung and the World
Jung and the World Podcast
A conversation with Artist Trenlin Hubbert about art, myth and symbol

A conversation with Artist Trenlin Hubbert about art, myth and symbol

Hello everyone, this weeks podcast is with multi media artist Trenlin Hubbert and we talk about art, myth and symbol, and her own process as an artist. This is from Trenlin’s artist statement:

I create Symbolist Art. The art employs a long developed lexicon of symbols. It is a journal of spiritual ruminations. In the work, my humans are informal archetypes. The positions, movements and facial expressions provide clues to their characters. The hand gestures are often formed into mudras to further elucidate the narrative. Animals establish a theme. Backgrounds provide a mood or context. Feathers, spirals or geometric shapes, are most certainly elements of my vocabulary. The interplay between symbols are a discussion. They are an inquiry into subjects that otherwise defy words.

The Call serves as a ritual. The crystals and the sage are symbols of protection. In the beginning, the character is posed with a hand mudra for courage.

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Jung and the World
Jung and the World Podcast
cultivating the soul and the sacred in a world turned upside down